PyCOLMAP exposes to Python most capabilities of COLMAP.


Pre-built wheels for Linux, macOS, and Windows can be installed using pip:

pip install pycolmap

The wheels are automatically built and pushed to PyPI at each release. They are currently not built with CUDA support, which requires building from source. To build PyCOLMAP from source, follow these steps:

  1. Install COLMAP from source following Installation.

  2. Build PyCOLMAP:

    • On Linux and macOS:

      python -m pip install ./pycolmap/
    • On Windows, after installing COLMAP via VCPKG, run in powershell:

      python -m pip install ./pycolmap/ `
          --cmake.define.CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE="$VCPKG_INSTALLATION_ROOT/scripts/buildsystems/vcpkg.cmake" `

Some features, such as cost functions, require that PyCeres is installed in the same manner as PyCOLMAP, so either from PyPI or from source.